Howdy everyone,
Welcome aboard & thanks for joining forces with us this year!

The late lingering snow on the ground kept things off to a slow start at first, but now temperatures are much more seasonally appropriate – cool season crops are growing in the field, the warm weather crops are being sun-hardened in the greenhouse and about ready to hit the fields as well.
So far this spring we plowed the field, built the greenhouse, upgraded our solar power system, finished the deer and varmint fencing, set up the gravity drip irrigation system, and started thousands of plants both indoors and directly in the field. We’re now moving toward a permanent-bed field, so that we can work on enriching specific patches of soil over time, and let the walkways remain constant from year to year.

We’ve also invested some work in future seasons; planted hundreds of free raspberry bushes and a cherry tree, dug out and started filling a hugelkultur bed, and inoculated a big stack of shiitake mushroom logs.

Farm Visits
CSA members are welcome to come visit throughout the year, just to check things out – or to get your hands in the dirt alongside us.
We always have several projects pending – if there is something specific you’d like to help out with, get in touch so we can coordinate. Some of the things we have lined up include:
- transplanting from greenhouse to field
- weeding (very relaxing!)
- mulching
- repairing the pull cord on the generator
- building a solar dehydrator
- assembling the pallet fort / guesthouse
Keeping in Touch
We’ll send out weekly email updates like this throughout the season, with links to the full-photo version in the blog.
If you’re on Facebook, ‘Follow’ us on there to see updates from the Field and such.
the Sehrs