The second week at Yokna Bottoms Farm was as expected – we worked throughout the weekday mornings, and the rest of the time ate, relaxed, and explored our surroundings in beautiful northern Mississippi.
There was more deja vu from our time here last year, as we dug drainage ditches and continued the pine-tree clearing project (with a new and improved chain rig that Jeff put together), and plenty of hay mulching.

The dogs, of course, are loving it here … although the Yokna Dog Pack lost one member since last year (Nathan moved out with his dog Ella), it gained a new one unofficially – “Grey Dog,” the neighbor’s year-old giant puppy – plus, there is a stray that sometimes hands out with us by the field, which brings the total up to eight … plus four cats and a shifting cast of primates …

bombs away! Faith, inbound.

Cleo in the field up at Jeff’s place in the nearby hills

Cleo and Benji the Stray (we gave his shaggy eye-fur a trim to help him better see and been seen)

Missy playing with Grey Dog … this is the day that he stole both of Gabe’s work/hoking shoes and made off with them, apparently making multiple trips to bring them back to his house. Over the next couple of days the neighbor found them both (unharmed!) and returned them one at a time …

the eyes of a serial shoe thief
We have less than a week to go here before we strike out westward toward new territory … time is flying!