Week 3 CSA News

The week’s work included tomato pruning and trellising, plenty of weeding (they’re getting to be tree-sized out there!), hunting and killing potato beetles. Then more weeding.

We had family visiting for most of the week from all around the country, getting to know the newest addition to the family, so we weren’t able to kick as much weed butt as we’d have liked, but it was still great to connect with our tribe a bit.

In other news, we have a rat! It’s living beneath our chicken coop compost bin, and has evaded all attempts at capture. Neighbor Dave is not going to give up easily though … the battle is on!

Produce-wise, the bean plants are flowering, the high tunnel tomatoes are flowering, setting fruit, and shooting upward quickly, making us question the adequacy of even the new and improved taller trellising. Overall, things seem to be doing pretty well – crops and weeds alike!

Box Three

Today was a rainy harvest – we set up canopies over the processing area, and donned raincoats for our forays into the field. Rainy days are actually pretty ideal harvest days – the crops stay cool and nothing is getting desiccated byheat or sunshine. (You might think the crops would also be nicely pre-washed from the field, but nope – they get splashed with sand & soil and require more rinsing than usual.)

Kohlrabi – They’re beautiful this spring! The greens are edible as well, similar to kale – perhaps chop & sautee them up together?

Steffan hauling in a load of kohlrabi from the field this morning
Steffan hauling in a load of kohlrabi from the field this morning

Kale –  A mix of dinosaur, red Russian, Vates, and scarlet varieties.

Salad MixRed & Green lettuce, arugula, pea tips, mizuna


Snow Peas – A classic for stir fries, but also delicious raw or sliced up in a salad.

Sage – there are many creative uses for fresh sage, what will you get up to this week? Perhaps when the temps get back up above 90 this weekend, you could make a nice sage iced tea!


Green Onions –  the annual link to this song comes … now:

a bit of broccoli – tucked in with your snow peas … waiting for the brocollini to get rolling!


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