Man it’s hard not to start every look back at the week with a weather report … which I know is pretty much the epitome of uninteresting conversation for normal people. However, it’s so much at the forefront of our thoughts now, living so closely dependent upon the vagaries of sunshine and precipitation.

So, that being said, here’s Gabe with the weather.
(if I had Photoshop here would be a pic of a TV weatherman with my head pasted on. Just pretend for me.)
We’re balls deep into Autumn now, as the professional meteorologists say.
Oh boy. Um hmm. Well what I mean to say, is that it’s getting cold, and it’s raining all the time, and we had a frost scare that mobilized us into covering the pepper row for. But of course, it didn’t frost – although I am quite certain that it would have, had we skipped the row cover ritual.

The unusual moisture levels have emboldened the fungi of the field – plant diseases that we rarely see in our normally dry corner of paradise are showing up for us to gawk at. The driveway is eroding away in new gullies, we smell more mildewy than usual, and our nice new inverter was shorted out and killed by heavy condensation.
Happily, there have been some lovely thunderstorms – Otis throws his hands in the air and exclaims “BOOM!” whenever thunder shakes the trailer.

Other than watching the skies, we’ve done some mushroom hunting this week, preserved dozens of jars of dilly beans, pepper sauce, & sweet jelly (thanks for the crab apples CSA Member Don, and for the white grapes, Members Marquardt!)
Singapore Chili Sauce & Crab Apple Jelly harvesting crab apples the finest specimen of Lobster Mushroom we’ve ever found borage growing feral in the field for pollinators
It was a good week for reminding us of how lucky we are to be where we are, doing what we do. Glad you’re along this ride with us.
In the Box
Salad Mix – red & green lettuces & mizuna, arugula, & tat soi
Bok Choi – great for stir fry, especially the crunchy stems. If you sautee the greens, just wilt them slightly by throwing them in at the last second.
Purple & Orange Carrots
Green Tomatoes – now is the time to make FRIED GREEN TOMATOES.

Sweet Peppers

Parsnips – you could roast them with your carrots, perhaps, or get fancy with something like these recipes, or maybe one of these.
a big Onion, possibly named Chuck
Swiss/Rainbow Chard – you can use it ilike spinach, in a quiche, you can chop up the attractive ribs and sautee them, you could make creamed greens with them! Would combine nicely with the bok choi leaves.