Creature Report:
Otis saw a blue jay. Sandhill cranes are being heard. Krisin saw a couple of day-walking deer looking at her from the edge of the woods. The 12 baby chickens look a lot like adults, and rays of sunshine on metallic-greening tailfeathers are an ongoing gender reveal party There are always more roosters than you dare let yourself hope.
It seems the grasshoppers never got that bad this year, despite The Dry, and wonder if it’s because of all the blister beetles we’ve been seeing about the place – what with their grasshopper-egg-munching habit.
Garden Report:
It’s still happening. Pumpkins are emerging into the open. The last sweet corn was brought in to be canned as corn relish and vacuum-sealed and frozen.
Sehr Report:
We’re trying to preserve more stuff. It’s that time. We could be only a month out from the first freeze, they say. This week we brought home wild grapes, mostly Chokecherry season is on. So are the lobster and chicken mushrooms, and our apples.
The bugs have been barely noticable even down by the creeks and rivers, which really makes foraging so much easier to enjoy. (In related news, this is the week I finally got into some poison ivy.)
Jasper is wanting to know “why?” a lot for a one year old.

Inside Box 12

- Edamame – boil them in salted water for 4-5 minutes, pop the pods out with your teeth and snack! Or hand shell and use in a stir fry or something.
- Bok Choi
- Eggplant – we’ve been smoking ours and making awesome baba ganoush
- Sweet Peppers
- Tomatoes – the tomatoes are ON! This week was likely peak mater time.
- Summer squash/zucchini
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Microgreen Mix – (sunflower, radish, broccoli, amaranth, kale, red cabbage)
- Shallots
- Potatoes (mix of red, white, and purples)

Oooooh – Edamame …. I am a big fan.