Another lovely week in our little paradise in the Barrens!
In the field, many things are showing their age – the crops that have been in all year are fading, even as the fall crops greens, kohlrabi, radishes, broccoli – are coming up strong and new.
It’s hard to believe that we’re already up to week 15 … the final 3-2-1 countdown begins next week! Ahh! Don’t forget he end of year party is on October 22nd … mark your calendars and prepare to enjoy delicious pizza ….
Box 15 Containeth:
Kohlrabi ala cart – We forgot that we had to fit these in, until after we’d already packed everything up nice and full … so you get yours on the side this week!
Edamame – Don’t try to eat the pods, not tasty! These “fresh soybeans” can be boiled for 5 to 10 minutes, and then strained and salted – and then you can pull the beans out of the pod with your teeth, enjoying the salty pod exterior but eating only the beans. Or instead, you could remove the beans after boiling, and make hummus or enjoy them in a salad or stir-fry. As rich in Protein as they are in Tasty!

(If you don’t want to use them right away, you can freeze them for later in a ziplock.)
Honeycrisp Apples – A wonderful local farmer’s market friend let us pick her tree of delicious honeycrisps, and we wanted to share the bounty with y’all. These are a wonderful apple for simply eating as they are.
Chop Salad Mix – (red & green lettuce, mizuna, spinach, pea tips, tat soi, arugula, edible nasturtium flowers) – big leafy goodness, and a nice big FU to the looming threat of winter.
Carrots – Monsters!! We do this on purpose because they’re awesome! Just as tasty as normal carrots – they just take more time in the field to get this way.
French Breakfast Radishes – tiny flavor bombs! Cut the greens off if you’re not going to eat them soon, so they don’t make the roots rubbery and sad.
Sweet Spanish Onions – a not-so-pungent variety, with higher sugar content and less onionsmack
a Zucchini – such versatility.
Sweet Pepper Medley
Heirloom Tomatoes – some are ripe, some will ripen over the next few days on your counter. These are mostly from our high tunnel, as they field tomato plants are being relentless destroyed by the forces of entropy … but the ones inside, sheltered from nature and wind-born fungal assaults, are quite enjoying the return of warm sunny weather … as we all have!