Well, we survived another windstorm – last night got pretty gusty as en electrical storm raged overhead, but other than everything on the screen porch getting soaked by the sideways mist blasting, we came out unscathed … and the field got almost an inch and a half of rain! Your produce this week should be happy from it. Your farmers sure are, anyway.
“Mad Martigan” Marty arrived on Friday and moved into a bedroom in the Albatross (the free mobile home we house visitors in), and has been helping us stay on top of all the various repairs, field work, and projects that fill our days.
He and Jim braced up the north side of the Albatross, which had buckled slightly under the weight of the snow and ice last winter, and Jim built us the wooden box which we’ll be insulating and adding a rudimentary heater to, in an effort to keep the solar power batteries from freezing.

We also managed to get the 1500 pounds of liquified carp carcasses moved onto a less important trailer, without even sloshing a single person in the mouth!

I’ve been doing lots of alternating between squatting down to forage wild blackberries and stretching upward to forage wild black cherries, all of which Kristin has been turning into jam and jellies.
Otis and I managed to score some nice lobster mushrooms right before our weekly farmer’s market, which made some people happy.
Inside Box 12

Ground cherries – ohhhh yeah! Two pints of individually-wrapped nature’s candy.

Apples – our friend up here in Sterling had a tree laden with beautiful. un-sprayed eating apples, and we got to go pick them! Otis ate plenty but could not keep up with our picking, fortunately.
Heirloom & Cherry Tomatoes – a vibrant assortment of the tomatoes we have growing this year. The field tomatoes are hardly even ripening yet, as the season for warm-weather crops draws near the end, but we fortunately planted an extra row of maters in the high tunnel, and they’ve been going great for awhile now.

Melon – either a watermelon, sun jewel, Crenshaw, Brilliant Canary, or Honey White, depending on the whims of the gods
Kohlrabi – might be a great week to try this recipe: https://cookieandkate.com/crispy-apple-kohlrabi-salad-recipe/
Zucchini – hey, you didn’t get any cucumbers this week!
Peppers – The pointy, small peppers are hot (jalepenos) – the rest (pictured below) are sweet peppers.

Lettuce – small amount of lettuce perfect for sandwiches!

Now “Fish Heads” will be stuck in my (fish) head for a month.