Last week we spent the night in town after delivering the CSA boxes. In the morning, we both remembered a bit of the dreams we’d had and shared – discovering that we had both dreamed about our favorite hen Gargoyle’s baby chicks hatching. When we returned , we were not entirely surprised to hear peeping from under the porch. Later we were delighted to see her strutting around our place followed by a wave of tumbling, peeping fluff nuggets. Thirteen of them! Awesome to add such a posse of her lineage to The Flock, and it’s been a pleasant week to have them constantly around our place. Have you ever spent time around a mama hen and her chicks? I recommend it.
Although the corn is only barely knee-high by the fourth of July, The Field is, overall, tall this week; suddenly, Kristin can disappear without warning between the rows, and we echolocate, Marco Polo style, to find her.
In Critter News, a chipmunk has been savaging the microgreen trays in the Little Greenhouse, and is hereby advised to move on while it still can. Same to you, Deer That Jumps the Fence. There are a sure a lot of weird little grasshoppers, leafhoppers, all sizes and colors and eating our basil pots and jumping out in little gangs from everywhere.
WWOOFer Ava returned to California, but she left behind some great photos she took while she was here, including these:

Shareholder Tara and her clan came to visit, and stayed to help with the harvest. She’s been here before, in the chaotic clockwork of the Processing Area (man that name is cumbersome but it’s just what it is (although the roof is forming and there are rumors of walls on the horizon).)
We tilled and we weeded and transplanted and seeded and did the microgreen shuffle (wash, fill, seed, weight, uncover, elongate, solarize, harvest). And today, we woke early and drank coffee and harvested the stuff that you’ve found,
inside Box 4
- Salad – last of the spring salad – the heat has finally gotten to them. Enjoy; slightly bitter salad is a totally acquirable taste. It’s good for you, and you can tell, because it tastes medicinal. The pea tips should help balance it I reckon. They want to try anyway.
- Spring Onions – we finished off the row for this harvest, so thats the end of them. Red and white storage onions will be coming later.
- Kohlrabi – if you’re not going to eat it soon, cut off the greens, as always (it prevents them from withering by moisture loss from the leaves), and of course they’re edible.
- Sugar Snap Peas
- Pea MicroGreens – chop em up to use, unless you don’t mind em that way
- Garlic Scapes
- Zucchini & Summer Squash – so it begins
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